
8 Free Ways to Improve Your Bedroom in a Weekend

“All good things are worth the wait.”

While that’s true for some things, you can improve your bedroom without having to wait, and with $0. This weekend, take a few hours each day to make your bedroom a better place to sleep and spend time. You can do that with these 8 simple things that won’t take long to implement.

1. Move Your Electronics: Most of us use our electronics in bed every night. Well, let’s face it, almost everyone does. Using electronics before you go to sleep delays our body’s internal clock. It also pushes away the release of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone. This is mainly due to the artificial blue light emitting from our mobile devices. You can improve your bedroom experience and sleep at night by putting your phones, tablets, and computer on the other end of your bedroom. You can lay your phone and tablets on a dresser or your desk to charge for the next day. This will also cut down on dust near your bed.

2. Organize Your Dresser: Never underestimate the improvement a well-organized dresser can make in your bedroom. Take 30 minutes to organize each drawer by item. I currently have socks, boxers, and bras in the top drawer, summer swim trunks and tank tops in the second, shorts and t-shirts in the third, pants in the fourth, and miscellaneous in the fifth. You have no idea how much less stress you can have in your life by simply being able to find the socks and clothes you’re looking for when you need them.








3. Utilize your Nightstand/Table Surface Properly: Do not use your nightstand or end table as the place to throw all of the junk from your pocket. Use a shelf cube or small woven basket in another section of the room for that. A nightstand or end table should have your lamp, an indoor plant, a noise machine, water bottle, and a book if you enjoy reading. Eliminate all other clutter and keep in mind you shouldn’t have a huge stack of books, just one or two that you’re currently reading stacked.

4. Make Your Bed: Grab your good sheets and pillow cases and strip your old bedding. Put on the new bedding, tuck in the sheets, and fluff your comforter so that you can have a good night’s sleep in a clean and crisp bed. It’s amazing how a well-made bed can make the subconscious feel. Your mind recognizes clutter at all times, so even if you don’t notice a large reaction to it, your subconscious is definitely being affected.








5. Dust Be Gone: Dust your room from high to low. Start with the ceiling fan and then move from the highest surfaces to the lowest surfaces. Don’t forgot the top of mirrors, wall art, frames, light fixtures, and the inside of table fans. You can use pledge and disposable Swiffer dusters if you have them or a rag to accomplish this task. Be sure you sweep and mop your floors once you’re done dusting. This should be done at least once a week.

6. Add Lighting or Wall Art: Utilize lighting or wall art you either have wasting away in your attic, or from another room and move it to your bedroom. This can be something as simple as an LED floor lamp from the guest room. A new lamp or wall art you’re not using in another room, can bring some personality and pop into your bedroom. So, you’re basically shopping, but for free because it’s within your own home.

7. Rearrange Your Bedroom: Move around the bed, dresser, desk, and anything else to a new look. I have rearranged my room, at least 7 times to find the best layout. You want to find the right layout for your bedroom furniture that keeps the electronics away from your bed, and allows the most light into the bedroom. Also keep in mind that you want to have extra floor space.

8. Eliminate Closet Junk: Go through your closet with a garbage bag or box in hand and remove at least 8 things from your closet. Stop holding onto that shirt that you may fit into 5 years from now. Put it into the bag or box, along with 7 other items, at least twice a month. When your bag or box gets full, donate it to a local woman’s or men’s shelter for somebody in need. Your items of removal can also be electronic, toys, or other unused items in your closet. If you’ve not used it or worn it in 90 days, it’s time to go.









These are my personal favorite ideas that I have incorporated into my life to improve my bedroom.

What would you do?

Leave us a comment with your no-cost ideas to improve your bedroom in a single weekend.


Well, hello there! I'm Meghan, and I own and run this website. I am an agoraphobic with 3 cats and 1 dog that drive me absolutely insane. I am here to provide you with useful information, ideas, solutions, concepts, emotions, and a glimpse into a multitude of other things. My goal is to light a fire in the soul of every person that I can. I would love to spark inspiration and help you live a better, more productive life.

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